Here are the lost posts which include the dramatic events of me struggling with the ugly reality of how hard it is to begin to build a business.
an update on Damselle and my life in generalI have a lot of friends who are important to me even though I don't talkt o them every day...or month...and I thought I'd start a blog so I can communicate on certain things which are happening without having to relay the info over and over, and most likely forgeting some people.
So recently, witin the last 6 months, I started selling my handmade jewelry collection on , and after our trip to Boston, Jason and I felt pretty bad about not having it together with our goals, like we were wasting our lives focusing on the teahouse and not getting anywhere, when in the big picture we really just wanted to work for ourselves, spend more time together, and live a more deliberate and meaningful existence. So when we got back, we decided to take more risks in order to get back on track with what we really want to do with our lives. Our first experiment was the antique mall, which does okay and provides us with a little more cash to work with in our budget, but isn't going to support anyone on it's own. We like being antique dealers though. It makes us more interesting.
I started selling my jewelry at sparrowfish on high street, and was getting generally good feedback from everyone I showed my collection to. Around that time, The Bombay Company anounced they were closing, so I decided to take the plunge and start doing jewelry making full time. I lined up craft shows for every weekend through the holidays, and my last day of employment at Bombay was last thursday.
I had my first show yesterday in Cinncinatti. It was from 9-4 at Sycamore High School. (yeah.. all the really big shows book 6 months in advance) I wasn't really sure what to expect, especially since it was a high school, but the show was actually pretty big. I was pleased because I think I made really good choices with my displays and my signage, and looked very striking and professional in general. I do have to figure out something to make my banner more rigid. I was also really happy that I took the step to facilitate credit card transactions, because that really drove our business. (jason worked the show with me) One thing that did impair our sales was the fact that all the jewelry merchants were lined up along one wall. What a bad decision! In general, I got really good feedback from everyone, with the most constant comment being that my jewelry was completely different from everything else being offered at the show. One weird thing that everyone wanted was matching earring/necklace sets. Every time I had earrings to match a necklace, they automatically bought both. I'm going to have to make sure I take more advantage of that. I was also told that I would do really well at the high end juried shows, which was good because I was concerned about whether I was ready for that or not. I ended up doing about $700, which would have been higher if I wasn't part of Jewelry Row, but still not bad for 7 hours at a high school. I was really excited when I got home, because I had two more sales on my website from people who had been at the craft show the same day, and 8 people from the show had added me to their favorite merchants on etsy. I wasn't counting on having that much of an impact on my web sales from a show. I also talked to some people at the show about doing consignment. So yay.
Today I'm spending time updating my etsy page since it's going to be more important than expected, and trying to organize my stuff, which is a complete disaster right now. I have a two day show in lancaster next Friday and Saturday. And that's that. Hopefully I won't have to take up waitressing in January, if i'm willing to work hard enough. we'll see.
Fighting Depression and The Man.First of all, if anyone actually reads this you might notice that I had to move all my old blogs because hotblog is shutting down. How irritating.
Don’t read this if you are considering starting your own business.
Also, you might have noticed that I haven’t really been seeing anyone or returning anyone’s calls or generally being a decent human being. sorry. Things haven’t been so great for me recently. It’s hard for me to talk about it because i have a tendency to want to breeze over these sorts of issues in my life and… honestly I don’t like for people to see me struggle. But I’m going to go ahead and tell you what’s been going on so that I’m forced to do better. It would be totally humiliating for me to anounce that I had some really rough things to work through and then not actually be able to come out on top.
So anyway. Damselle isn’t supporting me and I’ve run up some debt trying to make it float. Which isn’t really surprising except that I really *wanted* things to go differently. I guess I’ll just have to work hard like everyone else. My stress and Jason’s stress has caused a lot of problems in our relationship, and I’ve been downright depressed. *really depressed*. It’s been pretty ugly. We came up with a plan over the summer for how we were going to take the plunge and do the things we loved, and then.... when it appears that you can’t actually do those things… what then? We’ve been stumbling around in a numb and miserable stupor with our hearts broken and without a plan.
I’m trying to rally though. I feel pretty fiercely about my jewelry designs, and I live and die by the amazing feedback I get from the people who are actually buying my jewelry. A huge percentage of them are repeat customers. Most people who buy jewelry from me buy multiple items. I had a woman who purchased a piece last week and as soon as she received it today she went online and bought another necklace from me. She told me she’s addicted. This sort of strong customer loyalty makes me think “wait.. I can’t give up on this, somebody thinks I have talent. I have value to somebody!”
And the idea of being a leader is also important to me. I need to be personally responsible for the choices I make. Being a small business owner, instilling the value of buying handmade items from real people who spend a lot of time and skill making a product in a way which is positive for the community and the environment. If you want to change the world, start a business.
I don’t even know if I’m being stupid and completely denying the fact that I’m not successful, in a situation where I need to cut my losses and move on. But I’m really angry about the idea of being defeated by the evil corporate consumerism rotten dreamless wal-mart infested world.
So I’m trying to pull it together. I’m still probably going to have to get a full-time job.. which I don’t even want to think about right now, despite the fact that Jason will be really frustrated if I don’t find one soon… I’ve spent lots and lots of hours doing social networking trying to build my business. Which is the advice that all the successful businesses have given me.
Here are the links to some of my sites
Please click here to go directly to my storefront!
My Etsy Shop
Please click here to become my friend on Myspace!
Damselle Myspace Page
Damselle Squidoo Lense
and my screen name on flickr is damselle.
so we’ll see. i dunno.
An Update on Damselle That Is Nicer to ReadSo I definitely knew going into the “after Christmas” season that things would be slow. And they were really slow. And I totally freaked out because I’m investing so much time and money and belief in the world being a good place. Things were not so good.
However, I’ve been working very, very hard and things are picking up. I had a show at the Cincinnati Museum Center last weekend which was a very positive ($$) experience for me. My ad campaign has also been highly effective. I have a target amount of money I need to make in a week in order for Damselle to be my only job. Between the show and the money my ad campaign brought in the door at Etsy, I actually made the target last week. And it’s still February. And I’m still learning. And my business is still growing.
I plan on getting a part time job to help pay off my debt and take some of the “performance pressure” off of Damselle. But I feel fairly confident that I will get Damselle to a place where it can be my only job.
Also, the Columbus Jazz Orchestra. Jason and I went to see a performance by them at the Southern Theater last week and were absolutely moved to tears by a horn solo. Check them out. They’re something special. We’ll probably donate money to them this year.
I can’t wait for spring, how about you?