- Using a timer to control my time online. Promoting is good but I can get really sucked in.
- Getting up, exercising, showering, getting dressed right away instead of staying in my p.j.'s until I go to the Post Office.
- Making duplicate items in batches, which will be faster and I can stay in my routine, plus I won't have to pull the supplies out multiple times.
Other great suggestions from the Etsy community included
- Using Flock browser so you can handle your RSS feeds, Twitter, Facebook, e-mails etc. all at once
- Keeping your promoting and your creating separate. I.E. promoting during the day and creating at night when things are quieter.
- Keep great records so that you know exactly where you are in terms of profit and loss, supplies, sales trends ect. Then you know exactly where you need to be focusing.
- Create a daily Must Do list that incorporates both housework and business goals. Plan your week and your goals in advance.
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