Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Killing Two Birds with One Stone: Audiobooks

 I love my job. It's my dream job and if I have to work for a living, I can't think of anything I'd rather do. That being said, right now my job dominates my existence in a major way and gives me little down time. Also, I get really fidgety when I have to sit at my desk for long periods of time making my craft. I constantly think to myself... "Okay, just this one strand and then I'm going to check my e-mail. Or my Etsy account. Or get a glass of water.... or peer out the window.... or sing a little song to my goldfish....and *then* I'm going to get right back to work! " I probably take a break every half hour or so and my fidgeting really cuts into my productivity. I was able to get away with it during the slow summer months of vacations and barbecue holidays but now my shop is really picking up again, I have several custom clients at once right now, and customers are abandoning the cheeky bright colors of spring and summer for more sultry, rich autumn tones. 

   I have not read a book in at least 6 months. I was ashamedly lamenting this to a close friend of mine over a glass of wine. I live in a house with over 4,000 books. In my home, we display our books proudly as the family wealth. I may not have read a book in almost a year. My friend suggested I get books on CD from the library or download them from one of the many online sites created just for this purpose. It seemed like a good idea, but I would definitely not have ever followed through except that he burned some of his personal favorites onto a disc and handed it to me to take home. 

   Okay, books on cd are *awesome!* The first one I listened to was Hitchhiker's Guide as read by Douglas Adams. It was really cool to hear the author infusing the character's voices with the personality that he had originally imagined for them. I was able to sit at my desk and be extremely productive, while the time sped by in a breeze. Problem solved! I'll be going to the library later this week to check out audiobooks later this week!

1 comment:

BeckyKay said...

Wow! That really is an excellent idea!