Monday, July 14, 2008

Taxes and a Wacky Squirrel

 I'm  spending the day working on my Sales and Use taxes(due 4 times a year) and entering information into new  spreadsheets my husband made for me. It's going to be completely boring.

So instead I will regale you with a tale of Cute Animals.  I am frequently jolted from sleep at sunrise by the sound of my two cats hurling themselves at the bedroom window and howling in rage and frustration at a squirrel who comes and sits in the window taunting them. If it weren't 5 a.m., it would be hilarious and adorable to see how the squirrel parades back and forth clicking and chattering at the cats. It still is a little cute... but if you were wondering...attempts at covering the window have been torn down by my cats in their enthusiasm for teaching the squirrel to mind it's manners. 


Tasha Early said...

AGH. Sales and use taxes. I'm avoiding that whole topic. I have no idea where to begin. oops? hehe.

Learning Spanish at 41 said...

Ah, yes, the quarterlys. Good for you for getting them done early...we're always last minute joe. The joy of the self-employed!