Thursday, August 28, 2008

The Times They Are A'Changing

          The unknown is a frightening thing. In spite of the fact that humans are an amazingly adaptable species we still get very hung up on the uncertainty of what's around the bend. Some people never get over their fear of making changes in their lives, but if you can push yourself out of your comfort zone you may very well learn that you are capable of a lot more than you expected. Running a successful business has a lot to do with change. Are you willing to take calculated risks? How well are you able to adapt your business strategy in an ever-changing marketplace? 
 Two of the original founders of Etsy, the main site on which I sell my handcrafted jewelry have just announced they will be leaving. This abrupt and surprising news brought with it much speculation and doomsaying about the future of Etsy as a company. I guess this really isn't a big surprise because a lot of people depend on Etsy's continued success for their own financial livelihood, and any time any sort of change has occured, it's been met with resistance and claims that yes, the sky is in fact falling. 

  I don't think Etsy is going anywhere but up. Growing a business is an evolution, and change can be a scary thing. I'm sad that Chris and Haim are leaving, because they're obviously leaders... but they may have outgrown their jobs now that Etsy is growing and maybe they have found new opportunities to really shine and challenge themselves. 


Blessed said...

Great thoughts. You are very positive.

Unknown said...

something else i knew nothing about. i if weren't for blogs, i'd have no clue about what goes on at/with etsy. so sad.

great post.